Tuesday 7 December 2010

Postal (2007)

This is cinematic hell. A film so bad that while it's actually trying to be offensive and edgy, it ends up being offensive to the senses as it trundles through pointless scenes and crude visual toxic waste. Right from the off, with an unfunny joke about 9/11, Postal manages to plummet even further into the depths of anti-entertainment. The sole, shining highlight is a scene in which director Uwe Boll, playing himself as a Nazi-sympathising paedophile, is shot in the genitals. Even the smallest fake punishment for creating this abomination gives me enormous satisfaction. But otherwise, it's just a constant stream of racism, graphic violence, shock deaths of children, pointless drug references and terrible C.G.I. that pleads with the viewer to laugh, and the viewer is forced into a stern and Dickensian contempt, regarding the pathetic creature before him. There really aren't enough vile and contemptuous words I can use to describe this thing, it's worse than any other Uwe Boll film I've seen. The poster claims it's a "live action South Park", which is such a wrong sentence it almost pains me. South Park, while vulgar, tries to say something about the world, and uses shock humour in such a way as to make a statement, to comment on some social debate, or just to make people laugh. Postal fails at all three, and in fact causes the viewer to doubt the existence of belief in anything, society at large, or even simple laughter.

Just die already...

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